Wednesday 15 January 2014

Cell Structure

Animal Cell Structure:


Nucleus= Contains DNA coding for proteins (DNA+histone proteins=chromatin).

Nucleolus= Involved in the production of ribosomes.

Nuclear Envelope= Allows exchange between the cytoplasm and nucleus (e.g mRNA).

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER)= Processes proteins and packages into vesicles.

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER)= Production of lipids,cholesterol and steroid hormones.

Golgi Apparatus= Collects products from the ER (in vesicles) processes and packages.

Ribosomes= Site of protein synthesis from mRNA.

Mitochondria= Involved in the final stages of aerobic respiration to produce ATP.

Lysosomes= Contains digestive/hydrolytic enzymes which digest macromolecules.

Plasma membrane= Allows for a unique environment within the cell (By controlling flow).

Centrioles= 2 found just outside the nucleus at 90° of each other. Involved in nuclear division.

Flagella and Cillia= made out of microtubules. Involved in movement.

Cytoskeleton= Involved in transport of vesicles.

Plant Cell Structure:


Does not contain centrioles

Chloroplasts= produces glucose by absorbing light energy (photosynthesis)

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