- C-shaped rings of cartilage (keep airways open prevents trachea from collapsing due to large pressure changes)
- Smooth muscle and elastic fibres
- Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium (waft mucus in a synchronised way back up the trachea)
- Goblet cells (secrete sticky mucin droplets)
- Blood vessel
- Mucous secreting glands
Carina- marks where the trachea divides into 2 primary bronchi
- contains cartilage plates
- Goblet cells
- Smooth muscle
- Simple ciliated columnar epithelium
- Mucous glands
- Smooth muscle (involved in bronchodilation and bronchoconstriction)
- Simple ciliated cuboidal epithelium
- Loose tissue with elastic fibres
- Goblet cell
- Blood vessel
Respiratory bronchiole:
- No goblet cells
Factors affecting gaseous exchange:
- Surface area available for diffusion (You want a large surface area to volume ratio)
- Diffusion distance (You want it to be as short as possible)
- Concentration gradient (steeper conc. gradient=faster diffusion) (You need a mechanism to maintain a steep conc. gradient i.e capillary network)
- Permeability to gases
Alveoli (where gas exchange occurs):
- Large S.A to volume ratio
- 1 cell thick layer of simple squamous epithelium (short diffusion distance)
- Has 2 machanisms to maintain a concentration gradient. A circulatory (i.e capillary network) and ventilation (i.e Inspiration and Expiration).
- Moist meaning gases can dissolve
Pathway of gas:
- Squamous epithelium
- Connective tissue
- Capillary endothelium
- Blood Plasma
- Membrane of RBC
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