Friday, 7 February 2014


Definition= A species of plant that has adapted to survive in an environment with little water


  1. No leaves- Reduces transpiration (only the stem photosynthesises)
  2. Rolled leaves- maintains high water potential outside leaves, increasing humidity because the wind can't remove the boundary layer
  3. Succulent leaves/stem- Stores water for drought conditions 
  4. Sunken stomata- Higher water potential right outside stomata due to the trapped boundary layer
  5. Deep root system- Penetrates deep into soil tapping into the groundwater
  6. Wide root system- Maximum surface area meaning maximum water absorbtion
  7. Thick, waxy cuticle- reduces cuticular transpiration 
  8. Hairs on leaves- Trap a layer of air outside leaf this is called a boundary layer. It creates a higher water potential right outside the leaf.

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