Sunday 16 February 2014

Blood Vessels

(A) Artery:

  • Has a capsule/outer layer
  • Has an endothelium
  • Has a thick tunica media (smooth muscle and many elastic fibres, which allow the arteries to deal with high pressure blood)
  • Has a proportionally thicker tunica externa
  • Small lumen
  • High pulsitile blood pressure 
  • Function= carry blood away from the heart

(C) Capillary:

  • Has an endothelium (squamous epithelium)
  • 1 RBC thick lumen
  • Average blood pressure
  • Function= exchange surface to the organs

(B) Vein:

  • Has a capsule/outer layer
  • Has an endothelium
  • Thin tunica media (smooth muscle and elastic fibres)
  • Thin tunica externa
  • Contains valves (stops the back flow of blood reducing the chance of varicose veins) 
  • Large lumen
  • Very low blood pressure
  • Function= Carry blood to the heart

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