Monday 17 February 2014

Cell and Nuclear Division

Cell division that results in a daughter cell with a complete set of identical instructions is called mitosis.

What is mitosis important for?

  • Production of genetically identical cells
  • Growth (Replacement of cells)
  • Repair of tissues
  • Asexual reproduction
Cell cycle
During S phase DNA replicates: 
  1. Original DNA splits into 2 strands breaking H-bonds
  2. Nucleotides join up to the template strand
  3. Pair up according to the complementary base pair rules (H-bonds reform)
  4. 2 new, identical helices formed
(Centriole replicates before prophase)
  • Chromosomes coil up becoming shorter and thicker 
  • Nuclear envelope breaks into vesicles 
  • Nucleolus forms parts of chromosomes
  • Centrioles move to opposite poles and form spindles
  • Each centriole reaches a pole 
  • Centrioles organise production of spindle microtubules
  • Chromosomes line up attached by the centromere along the equator of the spindle
  • Chromatids move to opposite poles, centromeres first, pulled by the microtubules
  • Nuclear envelope and nucleolus reform
  • Chromatids uncoil to form chromatin
  • Beginning of cytokinesis
  • Centriole will replicate during interphase before the next nuclear division
Cytokinesis= the division of the cytoplasm and cell into two by constriction from the edges of the cell

Chromosome=A structure formed from DNA that condenses in a nucleus before mitosis can occur

Chromatin= Material containing DNA and proteins

Sister Chromatid= An arm of a chromosome. These are joined by a centromere and are separated and pulled to opposite poles

Centromere= A structure which allows chromosomes to be attached to spindle fibres at the equator

Spindle fibres= Fibres formed from the centrioles at opposite ends of the poles which chromosomes are pulled along

Equator= The metaphase plate where chromosomes align, attach to spindle fibres and sister chromatids are separated. A cleavage furrow or cell plate is formed here during cytokinesis

Centriole= Replicate and are located at opposite poles of the cell. Spindle fibres form from these

Base pair rules= Rules stating which nucleotide bases join together. Crucial during DNA replication in interphase. C=G, A=T

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