Monday 17 February 2014

Haemoglobin and Collagen



  • An example of the quaternary structure
  • Basic unit= iron containing haem surrounded by a polypeptide 
  • Haemoglobin contains 4 polypeptides (2 a-globin, 2 B-globin)
  • Spherical
Structure related to function:
  • Hydrophillic R-groups on the outside of the globin molecule, makes it soluble
  • Oxygen binds reversibly with the iron atoms of the haem group
  • 4 oxygen molecules can be carried by a haemoglobin molecule

  • An example of a fibrous protein
  • Has high tensile strength
  • Contains 3 polypeptide chains (triple helix)
  • H-bonds between strands and some covalent
  • Every 3rd amino acid=glycine (allows the strands to be very close)
Collagen fibril:
  • Covalent cross-links between carboxyl end of one molecule an amine group of another.
  • Collagen fibrils are grouped together to form a fibre

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