Monday 17 February 2014

Lipids and Phospholipids


Function: energy storage (give double the the amount of energy compared to carbohydrates or proteins
Stored: Adipose tissue in adipose cells (under skin/around organs)
Structure: One glycerol molecule linked to three fatty acids
Bonds: ester bond (covalent)

Ester bond:

2 types of fatty acid:

  1. Unsaturated fats (plant oils)= contain double bonds and are liquid at room temperature.
  2. Saturated fats (from animals)= Lack double bonds, solid at room temperature.
Glycerol is broken down by glycolysis. Fatty acids broken down by β-oxidation, Actyl-Co A and fed into the krebs cycle of respiration.



  • Bipolar nature allows the formation of molecular bilayers (i.e cell membranes)

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